Walking & Running in GCP

Walking & Running in GCP

June 05, 2019

One of my favorite days of the week is quickly becoming Sunday mornings. Sure, I get to go to church, but it’s what happens BEFORE we go to church. We have a run/ walk group that meets at Trillium Park on Sunday mornings and it’s GROWWWING and we love it! There are people who walk, there are people who talk, there are people who walk and talk (oh the skills) and really it’s all about getting out and enjoying this great community that we live in while getting to know our neighbors. It’s perfect motivation for those who want to exercise, but need a little help getting out the door. Oh and then there are the runners… whew. You’ve heard that misery loves company, well, there is no misery when you’re in this company! It consists of a devoted few that always welcomes more.

Recently we had a great group of both runners and walkers who gathered to get their “fitness on” and it was time well spent. In addition to checking out the various homes in Grand Central Park, the walkers enjoyed checking out the various yards (how about that yard of the month). The fact that the weather has been so nice is icing on the cake. In my humble opinion, some of the benefits of walking or running with the GCP crew include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Time well spent time with neighbors
  • Elevated heart rate (which you can fully control)
  • Releasing of the endorphins
  • Juicy neighborhood gossip (ok, I’m making this stuff up now)
  • Fresh air in cool temperatures

Our group is so much fun! And the core group of (consistent) runners that meet each week: Vita, Geoff, Lee and myself. We have the pleasure of running and talking. We actually solve all of the world’s problems in about an hour each week! This is what I call cheap therapy!  Cheers to running with awesome neighbors. We love GCP!

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